Find Latitude and Longitude

This page allows you to quickly create a list of latitude-longitude coordinate pairs by clicking points in the map. After each click its lat-lng pair will be added to the list in the output pane. When finished, click the save button to save to a text file or copy from the output pane and paste into your application.
Click the
to remove all output from the output pane.Click the
to save your output to a text file. This button only appears when there is data in the output field.
Output Settings
Reverse output will prepend the last clicked coordinate pair to the list making it newest at top, oldest at bottom. This will not change the order of already loaded data.
Reverse Output Colors toggles between light text on dark background and dark text on light background for the output panel.
Delimiter selects the separator between the latitude and longitude values.
Format selects the value output format; degrees decimal, degrees-minutes decimal or degrees-minutes-seconds decimal.
Map Parameters
This controls current parameters of the map via menu selection.
Map type selects the base layer of the map and thus controls the map's general appearance.
The overlays menu is a multi-select. Select the checkbox(es) of the layer(s) you wish to overlay base layer. Use each overlay's slider to control its transparency/opacity.
The zoom menu controls the map's zoom level (you can also use the +/- map control). Its range is affected by layer selections.
Map Height Click and drag the small, gray grab handle at the bottom of the map to adjust its height. Resize the window width to increase or decrease the map's width.
Reset the map to its default values and size by clicking the
reset map button.

Clicking the
button will load your location into the map.

Cursor Position
Displays the latitude and longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds decimal, degrees minutes decimal and degrees decimal of the current mouse location. While dragging the map it displays the Map Center's coordinates. (See convert GPS coordinates to convert latitude-longitude coordinate pairs.)
Selected Coordinates
Displays the latitude and longitude coordinates in degrees, minutes, seconds decimal, degrees minutes decimal and degrees decimal of the currently selected map location.